Thursday, December 27, 2007

Kenya Internet Connections & Other Random Stuff

So the whole, blogging our trip to Kenya thing did not turn out as well as I had hoped. The internet connections were so SLOW that it usually took about 30-45 minutes just to check our email...and since we were paying by the minutes and everytime I tried to logon to the blog site, the computer would kick me off the internet, I determined that everyone would have to hear about the trip when we got home.

It's about 3 1/2 weeks later and I'm sure everyone I know is sick of hearing about the trip to Kenya. So enough about that.

I am exhausted today. Since we have become adults, my younger sister and I have several new Christmas traditions. As soon as I arrive at the house for Christmas we begin having "rounds" of presents. That means when one of us decides it's time to open a present, we declare a "round." This usually happens a couple of times a day (each of us taking a turn declaring a "round"). Then by around 9 or 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve we are tired of waiting for Santa to come and since there are no children involved, we just open all the presents. Then we play PS2 games all night and make our mom make pancakes at midnight. Consequently, (since not only did we play PS2 until around 2 or 3 a.m. that night but just about every night I was home...4 nights total, I am very tired and just want to sleep. But alas, tomorrow night the New Year's Eve Extravaganza begins...which we use an excuse to just have a 4 or 5 day party. I'm not as young as I used to be and at times like this I really start feeling my age...I mean seriously when did I have to start getting a ridiculously long amount of sleep to function. 5-6 hours is really too much time to waste in bed. And on that note. I believe I will retire for the night...even though it's only 10 p.m. shocking I know.


The Gray Team said...

I love being able to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep! If it comes in one lump it is even better! I am so sad I had to miss the fondue party this year. We didn't even have our own because we were driving! HOpe it was a ton of fun! BTW thanks a bunch for everything. My boys love the safari animals, and me well lets just say that Nathan had no idea how many presents I brought home! But more than anything thanks for listening when I needed someone to talk to! Know that our family loves you a ton! And the boys really want to know why you don't live closer to us!

lynl514 said...